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拒提供驅離資料 監委嗆怕什麼

(中央社記者葉素萍台北4日電)監委錢林慧君調查323驅離政院抗議學生案,今約詢警政高官。她質疑,相關單位拒絕提供多項資料,「到底在怕什麼」。學生團體4月間赴監察院陳情,抗議警察驅離闖入行政院學生,違反比例原則,要求監委彈劾行政院長江宜樺、警政署長王卓鈞,錢林慧君正在調查此案。錢林慧君今天約詢內政部常次邱昌嶽、警政署副署長蔡俊章、台北市警察局長黃昇勇、台北市警察局中正一分局分局長方仰寧等官員。錢林慧君會後受訪指出,警政官員稱當時是「依法淨空」。監察院先前向行政院等相關單位調閱錄影帶、驅離當天傷患資料,都被以「資料已送給檢方、檢方偵查不公開、擔心違反個資法」等理由拒絕,她今天就當面質疑官員「在怕什麼」?由於本屆監委7月底將卸任,媒體問到,相關單位拒絕提供資料,是否為「技術性拖延」?錢林慧君說,她今天也當面向警政官員提到,希望儘速提供資料,「把事實釐清,對警察不見得不好」,官員則回應說,會去跟檢方溝通。1030604 Description Toggle View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View 1 - 25 / 30 Volunteer medics take temperature of a student protester against a Taiwan's trade pact with China inside the occupied legislature in Taipei, Taiwan, Wednesday, April 2, 2014. Students continue their ... 較多Volunteer medics take temperature of a student protester against a Taiwan's trade pact with China inside the occupied legislature in Taipei, Taiwan, Wednesday, April 2, 2014. Students continue their 17-day-old protest voicing their opposition to the trade pact, challenging the president's policy of moving the democratic island economically closer to China. (AP Photo/Wally Santana) 較少 1 / 30 Associated Press | 拍攝者 Wally Santana 2014年4月2日週三 台北標準時間下午12時45分 Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Pinterest Close Previous imageNext image


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